Rousay - 23/09/04

At 10 o'clock, I board the peedie bus to the Rousay ferry terminal, onWest Mainland. This follows a route I have not previously travelled. Itheads north out of Finstown. The bus first of all drives past theTingwall ferryterminal to go all the way to Newton, Grid ReferenceHY320284. The route gives a nice preview of the south coast of Rousay,as well as a glance over to Eynhallow. The latter has the remains of amonastery on it. Although the roadsigns point to villages like Evie,the A966 is lined with farms all the way. Arrive at Tingwall at 10.40.Weather is turning nasty, with a strong, very cold northwesterly windand hefty showers. The crossing to Rousay is bumpy. We pass the westernoutlier of Wyre, then veer northeast to dock at Rousay. Chat to anolder couple on the way there. They are going to walk at Westness; I'mheading into the island's interior. A steep road leads up from theferry to the island's main road, the B9064, which circles Rousay. Aftera few hudnred yards, I come across Home Farm, which incorporates ahostel. Did contemplate booking into there, but decided not to. Signsalong the road declare that Trumland House is now closed until March2005. Other signs say "Private - Keep Out", but a belligerent Ramblerhas pasted a note saying that you have the right to roam here. Head upa track which winds up into the moors below the island's highest hills.It's quite an ascent, and the heavy showers detract from the enjoymentof the views. By 12.30, I've reached the exhilerating heights of 230 m.I'm not that far below the canopy of racing clouds. View pretty good,if limited by a herd of showers which keep clattering through. Buffetedby the wind, I balance my way across the moor heading more or lessnorthwest for Muckle Water. My progress is impeded by a barbed wirefence, which I manage to cross eventually by laying the map across thebarbs. At least it's no my private anatomy that gets impaled. Proceeddownhill and gain a track that leads towards Peerie Water, the nextloch. About a mile further down, the track rejoins the B9064. Private?Don't make me laugh. From Westness Farm, it's road walking all the wayto the ferry, 6 km / 4 miles to the weast. Road follows the coast at ashort distance. Pass some standing stones at Frotoft, and squat downfor a cuppa near a farm at Nearhouse. Manage to hide myself in amongstthe corn. Return to the ferry at 4 pm, which gives me enough time forrefreshments and an internet session. The computer is located at the back of the craftshop, and I'm left alone int here - such trust!Back in the pub, I fall to chatting to some people and I'm offered alift back to Kirkwall, which I'm more than happy to accept. They werethe same couple I spoke to yesterday, on returning from Eday. The ferryfor Tingwall leaves at 5, and after a bumpy crossing drops us off atTingwall at 5.40. My lift saves me from waiting for a bus in less thanpleasant conditions. Am dropped off outside Safeways just after 6.Return to the YH half an hour later, having done my shopping.Incidentally, I pay for the hostel on a daily basis. Come to know thewardens, Eileen and Tara, having stayed here for 3 weeks (on and off).

Weblinks: Rousay on Undiscovered Scotland:

Kirkwall Youth Hostel:

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